You all stepped it up again this year! Final tally is $627.51!!!!!!!! We matched and rounded up and presented a check to God’s Lifeline for $1300 Friday afternoon!!!! YOU did this!!!! They are so grateful and say THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! We say Thank You!
As I sit here Friday evening creating this post I get emotional thinking of all the comments and reactions I see and hear from all of you throughout our season! Some of my favorites are “I don’t take change from you.” and “Where is that bucket thing? Do you still have that?” and when I get just a finger pointing to the bucket when I am making the change. So thank you all for making all of our hearts warm.
For those of you who may had given to what you thought was a tip in the little apple bucket on the counter, this is where it goes. The story is…Once upon a time about 11 years ago, when we started this crazy idea of restarting the family orchard, customers would tell us to “keep the change”. Not wanting tips or putting that money in the profits we kept the money in a mason jar until the end of the season. When the season was over we had about $20 or $30. Then we looked at each other and said, “Now what?”. We decided that we would donate it to God’s Lifeline. We were so excited to give back to the community where it is needed and where we know it will stay local.
God’s Lifeline is a Thrift Store and Food Pantry in Mt. Victory, Ohio. It is run by volunteers from local church’s and services anyone in the Mt. Victory & Ridgeway areas. They take donations of kids and adult clothing and shoes, books, home furnishings (no upholstered items), money and so much more. If there is someone that may be struggling to pay bills they can apply for financial help. They are always looking for volunteers too! They can always use any kind of donation!
Everyone have a blessed Christmas and holiday season!